by yulisia | Blog
If you look closely at nature, everything is in perfect balance. Everything is born, grows, flourishes and then dies, which in turn, brings forth new life.
We are not taught, that the same creative energy that is evident in nature, also resides within us.
How do we access this creative energy?
Its very simple, and we all do it every moment of every day, without a full understanding how we can harness its power. First, however we must know these three things:
1. Everything around us is energy
2. Thoughts are energy in motion
3. Your thoughts are creative
If thoughts are energy in motion, and they are creative, it means that we create our experience with our thoughts. Repeated thought, creates belief, which is then etched on our sub-conscious mind, and therefore becomes automatic.
If you do not like what you are experiencing. Take an honest look at your thought patterns, and start to replace negative thought, with a better thought about the situation. This is how we evolve. This is how we progress.
by yulisia | Blog
This life is busy! We are constantly juggling our busy schedules trying sometimes in vain to balance our work, our Family life, our interests and desires.
What time is set aside for stillness? Do we dedicate at least 1 hour per day to the pure creative power of stillness? How else can we hear ourselves think and check that our thoughts are in line with our truth, our desires, and bring forth right words and actions?
The greatest investment in self is your focus. Be sure to set up the conditions that are conducive to pure interrupted silence. Set aside the same time each day and go into your thought scape and clean house! Anything contained within can be reframed to assist you in this moment. Do it, and do it NOW!

by yulisia | Blog
Many of us have been fooled into believing that trust is something that we put in others. I am hear to tell you that is a recipe for disappointment. How can you ask another person to adhere to your fear-based requests consistently and be free to be themselves? Oh I hear some of you saying that the remedy for this dilemma is to set your expectations low in a bid to minimise your pain. ThisĀ is folly, as the outcome of this can only lead to the further demise of your self esteem.
Stop side-stepping! The only person you need trust is yourself, unapologetically, despite the fear, the doubt, the guilt and anxiety. The clipboard bearing person that marks down every decision you make, exists only in your mind. Anyway you don’t have to believe me, I am NOT asking you to do that. All I am asking you to do is TRY IT!!
Trust in yourself, listen to your emotions, be honest about the true cause of what you are feeling. Meditate and visualise the preferred outcome to every situation, then formulate power moves that will propel you to the next level.
by yulisia | Blog
Fear is the only opponent to self actualisation, and the battle is mental. Therefore start to confront your inner most fears and the arsenal of self limiting thoughts you have accumulated throughout your life until now.
Change your mind about the meanings you have placed upon events and people that have caused you pain and given birth to your fears. It is what YOU say it is! Remember power, like muscle, must be exercised regularly and consistently to gain strength and definition.
As you redefine and reframe your thoughts and memories into mental references that will serve you, you will feel powerful enough to make the physical changes and take the actions that will bring about your inner-most desires.
Take a lesson from the trees. They don’t ask IF they can take your carbon dioxide and turn it into oxygen – they KNOW and they DO.
Lift the veil of mental fog, recycle your low vibrational thoughts and feelings into high vibrations, and you will breath the mental oxygen required for an inspired, fulfilling life. The universe will always support you, as it supports them.
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